

A lot of information is being published these days about how grazing animals can have a positive influence on soil health, and the regeneration of organic matter in the soil for water holding capacity. We are using these practices and our genetics fit the purpose well.

Focus on the things you can influence.

We’re talking about the genetics that you put into your cowherd. Looking to the future, it appears that cattle requiring lots of iron, fuel, and labor to support their maintenance will find themselves at a disadvantage. Seek out and buy cattle that will pass on some of the cost-saving traits into their progeny—things like longevity, fertility, do-ability and $EN.

These are the things that are built into and doubled up in Indreland cattle through years of pressure and selection. It is for these reasons that we are proud of our cattle and what they can bring to the table for us and our customers, now and into the future. Welcome, and thank you for your interest. 

“Indreland Ranch is holistically managed and operated to produce healthy nutrition and environment for people, livestock and wildlife. This is accomplished by resilience to economic and environmental factors and by providing opportunities and profit to all involved. It is managed and operated by a team of motivated, goal oriented and open-minded individuals that work together in a respectful manner.”